Monday, December 21, 2009

Last minute and other holiday gift ideas for vegans and raw vegans

Holiday gifts for raw foodies (and cooked vegans too), and one of them (the first one in the list) arrives fast so you can send it up to the last minute!

Cool Fun Holiday Gift for Raw Foodies, Foodies and Obama Fans!

Chia seeds are nutritious and delicious and what could be a more fun gift than this one for any fan of fresh produce or anyone who follows politics or the news or anyone with a sense of humor?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Become a Fan of The Little e-Book of Raw Holiday Recipes, 2d Edition

The Little e-Book of Raw Holiday Recipes features 65 pages of 54 recipes for every course of a meal, for all manner of festive occasions ranging from Halloween through New Year's Day. There are fun recipes for kids, too, plus beautiful photos, menu suggestions and tips for making your holidays sweet.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grow Your Own Produce and Reap the Many Benefits!

I've written my first article as the West Palm Beach (FL) Food and Drink Examiner, on tips for growing your own fruit and veggies, and I invite you to read it and comment on it, and to add me as one of your favorite Examiners.

And if you have an interest in becoming an Examiner (on whatever topic), let me know and I will happily recommend you!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

White House Organic Farm Project

The White House Organic Farm Project is the group that inspired the Obamas to have an organic farm at the White House. They have a wonderful website all about the project. Check it out!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Become part of this blog's community with Friend Connect

You can now follow this blog and be connected with us by clicking on "Friend Connect" on the right.

Welcome to this blog!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine Goes to Bat for School Children

This ad has stirred a controversy, with The White House objecting to the ad's mentioning "Obama's daughters." But it's not really about them. It's about all the schools that aren't as evolved as the one they go to. The ad is designed to wake Congress up to the fact that most school lunch programs offer no fresh produce.  Bravo to PCRM for this brilliant strategy to help the health of the nation's children!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

K-Tec Now Makes a BPA-Free Blender Jar

I've been using K-Tec's Total Blender, a power blender, for a couple years, and it's made a huge difference in my ability whip up raw soups, smoothies, puddings and ice cream batter.

Now it's even better because I've gotten their BPA-free blender jar.  BPA (bisphenol-A) is a chemical that studies have linked to diseases, so who would want to blend hard ingredients like frozen nuts and seeds, raw cacao beans and frozen fruit in a jar containing BPA, when those hard ingredients pound against the plastic during blending, and most certainly knock some of the BPA into whatever's being blended?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Raw-Friendly Market in Boca Raton, FL

Raw foodies, take note! An organic market called 4th Generation Market opened recently in Boca Raton (just south of Mizner Park) that breaks new ground with a panoply of freshly prepared raw food items! There are so many dishes to choose from (made by two experienced raw chefs), it's a feast! The desserts alone are a big wow! (I haven't tried the savory items yet.) Plus, they have raw vegan ice cream too, and the hard-to-find E3 Live. There are lots of packaged raw food items too, like GoRaw's delectable Pizza Chips. And they have a large selection of fresh organic produce, some of it from local farms.

This is the most nutritionally dense, health-promoting food out there. Eat this way and keep your immune system strong so that you don't catch the swine flu.

There's a counter so you can sit down and eat the food you've just bought, so although this isn't a full-fledged cafe, it's definitely a place you can go to for lunch (as well as a take-out dinner).

Once word gets out, 4th Generation (owned by a brother and sister in their 20s) should soon be giving the larger but less pure Whole Foods Market a run for its money.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Vote for Us and Come to Our Celebration Party When We Win!

Please vote 10 stars for our two-minute audio pitch in an entrepreneurial start-ups contest!

If we win you will be invited to a big Sarasota, Florida party in our new cafe!

Judges will choose the winner from the entries that have the most stars and the most votes.

If you would like to vote for us every day, that would be awesome!

Here's the link:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gideon and Jackie Graff To Teach Raw Food Revival in Sarasota, FL on March 8

To hear Jackie and Gideon talk about how they became raw foods enthusiasts and chefs, listen to this podcast from the radio show Truly Sustainable Sarasota.

Their food is awesome and they give lots of helpful tips at their workshops.  And they'll be giving one here in Sarasota on Sunday, March 8th at Veggie Magic on Bee Ridge and McIntosh, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.  More details in this short podcast, including contact info.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Raw Vegan Chocolates for Valentine's Day!

Your sweetheart will be tickled when you send them these delicious raw vegan candies!  So decadent but so nutritious!  How is it possible for something to be both?!

Renowned Chefs To Give Raw Recipes Workshop in Sarasota, FL on March 8

Raw Food Chefs Gideon and Jackie Graff

Georgia residents Jackie and Gideon Graff, two of the premier raw food chefs in the US, will be in Sarasota, Florida to give their "One Day Raw Food Revival" workshop on Sunday, March 8, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This workshop will delight anyone interested in delicious, plant-based food. The Graffs will prepare more than two dozen recipes as attendees watch, learn and partake of a wealth of mouth-watering, nutritious, raw organic food, such as Cinnamon Rolls, "Toast," Jicama Fries, Umburger, Popcorn Cauliflower, and Peach and Blueberry Cobbler. The cost is $195 per person or $350 per couple from the same household, and includes three meals, a manual with extensive information, and all the recipes. For more information or to register for the workshop, which will take place at Veggie Magic Café, call 770-992-9218 or visit

This notice sent by:
Specializing in promoting raw vegan
and other green businesses.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama Mentioned Vegetarians in His Town Hall Meeting Today!

President Obama answered questions from residents in a Ft. Myers, FL, Town Hall Meeting today. In answer to one person's question, he said, "We're open to new ideas from everyone, even if they're Republicans, even if they vegetarians."

Now those in the raw foods community who are not Republicans (and I would venture that most of us are not) might not appreciate his grouping us (in the broad sense, as raw vegans are within the larger vegetarian population) in a sentence with Republicans.

But as PR people say, any publicity is good publicity.

Let's take this mention of vegetarians and run with it!

Please take a moment right now (before you forget) and sign this petition asking Obama to add a raw chef to the White House kitchen staff. Yes, he's got more pressing things on his plate, but it can't hurt to ask him, right? And we just might raise his consciousness a bit. And if we can do that, it's a huge media boon for raw foods! Imagine having a raw vegan chef in the White House!

And tell your raw-friendly friends to sign it too!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Awesome Way To Teach Kids About Good Food

Every town should be doing this to teach kids how to grow and prepare fresh food.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Leafy Greens Café Is Moving!

Rather than post the info here, I posted it to my review of their first location, as an update at the top of the review, to make sure that anyone who happened upon that review will see where they're located.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Petition President Obama to Hire a Raw Foods Chef

I just created this petition asking President Obama to hire a raw vegan chef to make some of the meals at the White House.  I hope you will sign it and forward it to anyone else who might want to.