Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama Mentioned Vegetarians in His Town Hall Meeting Today!

President Obama answered questions from residents in a Ft. Myers, FL, Town Hall Meeting today. In answer to one person's question, he said, "We're open to new ideas from everyone, even if they're Republicans, even if they vegetarians."

Now those in the raw foods community who are not Republicans (and I would venture that most of us are not) might not appreciate his grouping us (in the broad sense, as raw vegans are within the larger vegetarian population) in a sentence with Republicans.

But as PR people say, any publicity is good publicity.

Let's take this mention of vegetarians and run with it!

Please take a moment right now (before you forget) and sign this petition asking Obama to add a raw chef to the White House kitchen staff. Yes, he's got more pressing things on his plate, but it can't hurt to ask him, right? And we just might raise his consciousness a bit. And if we can do that, it's a huge media boon for raw foods! Imagine having a raw vegan chef in the White House!

And tell your raw-friendly friends to sign it too!

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