Saturday, December 25, 2010

Boynton resident gets a little "raw" with new e-book

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Now available as a Kindle book! The Little e-Book of Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes

The Little e-Book of Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes  is now available in a Kindle e-reader edition, making it easy to bring 50 raw holiday recipes with you when you travel! Wherever you are during the holidays (or any other time) you'll be able to make meals and turn your family and friends on to some fabulous food.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Interview with author of The Little e-Book of Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes

Here's our exclusive interview with the author (yours truly!) of The Little e-Book of Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes. The book is available as a beautiful PDF file with color photos of many of the recipes. The recipes are sure to delight you!